


1,2-distearoyl-sn-glycero-3-phosphoethanolamine-N-[dethiobiotinyl(polyethylene glycol)] (DSPE-PEG-dethiobiotin)


SKU: 28378 Categories: , ,

Product Description

DSPE-PEG-Dethiobiotin  is a linear heterobifunctional PEGylation reagent with a DSPE phospholipid and dethiobiotin. It is a useful self-assembling reagent to prepare grafted or PEGylated liposome or micelle while also providing an biotin group for binding to avidin or streptavidin.

Compared to biotin, desthiobiotin binds to streptavidin, avidin or neutraviain with lower affinity and thus it can be eluted under milder conditions (i.e., by competitive displacement with regular, free biotin). As such, desthiobiotin reagent is a useful alternative to biotin for avidin-biotin techniques in which nondenaturing elution of the labeled proteins is desired. DSPE modified PEG desthiobiotin has excellent amphiphilic property that can be incorporated into cell membranes, liposomes and other synthetic lipophilic nanoparticles. Resulted desthiobiotin can target avidin, streptavidin or neutravidin. PEG linker between DSPE and desthiobiotin tag offers better water solubility, less steric hindrance and enhanced stability.

Additional information

Molecular size

1000, 2000, 3400, 5000

Package size

100 mg, 500 mg